Saturday, May 8, 2010

Babette's Feast + Us=???

Babette’s Feast had an interesting plot. I got the overarching point but I don’t think I really understood how this was connected to why we should read this and have it be our last story. It was hard for me to think of ways that this story connected to us and how we could relate to it or what way we are supposed to relate to it. The only thing that I could find that could relate to us was that Babette was an outcast when she first came into the town. I think from this story we could take away a lesson on how to stand out and be alone and then find away to integrate yourself into a society that is already set up and everyone knows each other and then you come in and everyone looks at you like an outsider. I see where we can take the lesson from Babette and learn to fit in in a way that’s not invasive on people but giving people a sense of who you are. Cathy Adams talked to us about this the other day. She talked about how we should never eat alone when we go to college because it’s a good way to meet friends and get to know new people. This was something I had never really thought about doing but I realized that it is very valuable advice. Babette is in a sense a model for me on how to integrate yourself into a community rather than allowing people to cast you out because you are different or simply new.

The book wasn’t what I thought it was going to be and I did struggle a little to keep track of everything that happened but I did see a lot of overarching points that she was making about being yourself when everyone is against you.

Dinesen, Isak. "Babette's Feast." Babette's Feast and Other Anecdotes of Destiny. New York: Vintage, 1988. Print.

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