Sunday, September 12, 2010

Structural Palace

In Naguib Mahfouz’s book, Palace Walk, the author talks about the different cultural and spiritual aspect of the family of Al-Sayyid Ahmad. It talks about every family members’ situation based on who they are and what they do. Not only does the author talk about how he has become a positive figure in society and how the organization of the household basically is run by his decisions. He is the head of the house and controls what goes on around the house, while the women help clean the house and the boys dedicate themselves to their studies. Yet, not only does this have an effect on how the household is run, but rather, their father also has some defects. A positive model in society and a rather has the loyalty of that of his family, he is a flirt. Through their religious background, the family depends on God, but also they are under Al-Sayyid Ahmad judgment. It’s a different way of how life functions compared to that of Christianity. It made me think how life is can be possible under that sort of household structure. Having to submit to a husband’s authority, use God’s name in every sentence, and have to be able to do well so that society won’t have a bad image against you. How is it that people can actually live without being seen? To ask for a daughter’s hand without knowing the girl? Its has a curious and totally different view of how the world functions, but in either case, the author describes every day as a normal and peaceful day. Perhaps its due to their beliefs that make them exceptional to how life in their household is conveyed. Of course in some occasions it seems absurd to how the father reacts or his decisions based on how the wife, loyal and faithful, just says what is need to be said to keep him informed, but rather scolds her. I can’t see how women can stand that! He doesn’t compare the lives of the Islamic view to the Christian one, but rather gives an overview, with specified detail, how life is different and how customs change. Yet, in every character each has its own weakness. Aisha conceals the fact that she has emotions for an officer, while Khadija has a bad attitude, at times, and uses her tongue to bring Aisha down. Kamal, is a playful kid, who fears and admires his dad and is mischievous at times. Fahmy is in love with his neighbor, but knows that he can’t look or ask her hand in marriage. Also Yasin, deals with the fact that his mother is to marry and brings forth his anger against her. Each member is Inclined to doing some sort of mistakes, due to their feelings, but also fear that their father has the last word in everything and will, often, rebuke any desire they might have. An interesting culture, it contains many details of their daily routines and shows the audience how life can sometimes be misjudged by that loyal religious belief of obeying God’s word, rather than following the true emotions and thoughts within.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting comment, Alex. Is this an additional post? Work with the details of the novel too? Include labels/tags?
